Monday, November 17, 2008

Our Decisions Affect Our Life Journey

This post is in part inspired by 'aragangtandik' :-). I thank her for the comment. Knowing her, I believe there is more inspiring words of wisdom to come :-) . The quote she shared this time round is very interesting i.e. " Freedom is not the ability to do whatever one wants to do BUT FREEDOM is the ability to do things that OUGHT to be done”. Below are my comments.

Everyone including us, have different interpretation or perception about 'Freedom' or other things in 'life'. Based on my life-long informal research here are some of my findings;

  1. Whatever current interpretations people make in life is, in fact, influenced by their past experience or conditions.
  2. That is absolutely natural, because perception or in other words ‘how we see things’ is a manifestation of our feelings – e.g. happy or unhappy, feel good or bad, angry or elated, secure or insecure, fortunate or miserable etc. These feelings will definitely influence ‘how we see things’.
  3. How we feel, will trigger our body system consciously or unconsciously, which will eventually affect the quality of decisions and actions we take at that particular point in time. Unknowingly this is one of the vital mechanism that create what we now called as ‘behavior’. If this goes on it will become our behavioral pattern and later becomes our ‘Attitude’.
  4. Our actions, in return, will definitely affect the quality of re-actions (or counter actions) we get from other beings (especially people). This is true by the Law of the Universe or Sunnatullah i.e under the Law of Cause and Effect and Law of Action and Attraction or Law of Reverse Effort.
  5. Again the re-actions we get ( which later becomes our life experiences or conditions ) will affect our feelings and actions and the whole cycle repeats.–
  6. Ironically, by virtue of the Law of the Universe, the cycle will go on repeatedly, in fact, non-stop, throughout our lifetime until we ‘Change’ our behavioral pattern.

Hence, the quote that aragangtandik shared is indeed interesting " Freedom is not the ability to do whatever one wants to do, but freedom is the ability to do things that ought to be done”.

Personally, I think we should focus on the key words that I highlighted in capital. Some of the areas we should also look into in relation to the key words are as follows; WANTS: influenced by requirements, needs, beliefs, concerns, conscience, principles, wisdom ABILITY : influenced by knowledge, competencies, practice, wisdom. OUGHT TO BE DONE : is subjective and also influenced by situations, wants, belief, knowledge, requirements, ability, wisdom etc..


My approach in Puncakmaya House of Balance Living is to seek possible and potential solutions to an issue that is brought up. Life is a journey, to move forward, we need to make decision. What we decide today will affect our life tomorrow. ( as much as how we are today is the results of our past decisions and actions ). Here are my recommended decision for this juncture.

If you think that what I have shared above makes sense to you, and you feel that you are in a way experiencing those pointers and you want to know more…

  1. Make a decision to make a DECISION
  2. Make a decision to CHANGE
  3. Change begins in YOU!

Rational of decision:

  1. If we continue to do the same things over and over again, we will continue to get what we have always been getting over and over again. If you wish to achieve different things, make a decision to do things differently or doing other things.
  2. If we keep on opening and using the same door, we will keep on entering the same garden. If you wish to enter different gardens, make a decision to use and open different doors.

I am not surprise that, this will lead to the big question : HOW?

That is what we do in Puncakmaya House of Balance Living. We not only highlight areas of concern that requires attention in this journey of life. We not only to tell how, but ; share, teach and guide you with practical techniques that have been proven to be effective.

These techniques are the results of life-long research on the secret treasures of our ancestors, blended with the art and science of this new millennium. These techniques can be yours to take home if you want to. Yes, ONLY if you want to.

Thank You

Salam and Peace be with you

Professor Elham


AragangTandik said...

Very interesting and enlightning indeed. What if I want to make a decision but do not know what decision to make? he he he

I agree, in whatever we do, our first action would be to make a decision. eg decide to eat then we will search for things to eat and eat them as well. But, some of us are too afraid to make change either because we are afraid of the unfamiliar or because we are comfortable with the way things are. No rocking the boat. How can we shake ourselves into making a decision and applying those decesion as well?

Kee Heritage said...


Dr Mile said...

Thanx for the comment aragangTandik. Truely, your comments are very true, down to earth, very relevant and inspiring.

Thanx for the "interesting" comment kee heritage.

Like before, please find my respond posted under the title " The side effect of fear". TQ